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Staying Active in the Workplace

17 June 2016

Fit_deskFifteen millions of Canadians spend 50% of their time at their desk.[1] I was curious to learn more about new, innovative ways that companies use to help their employees and managers stay active in the workplace. If maintaining the mental and physical health of your workforce is not enough to motivate you, consider its positive economic impact on the absenteeism rate in your business. In the past thirty years, this rate has increased by 30% and is largely linked to health-related factors, according to the Canadian Council for Health and Active Living at Work. Physical activity helps to reduce stress that accounts for 19% of the cost of absenteeism, 60% of workplace accidents, not to mention its impact on the risk of heart attack, back pain, anxiety and burnout.[2]



Companies with specific programs and initiatives to promote health and wellbeing of their employees show:


It does pay! The average cost savings per dollar invested in workplace wellness programs is $3.27. Companies now spend an average of $521 per employee per year on wellness incentives.[4] What about you?



Businesses now provide bicycle parking racks and shower/change facilities, gym installations, reimburse sports memberships, and provide grants to support corporate sports teams… And some companies go a step further, offering innovative office solutions to stay active.


Health WorkshopsYoga_exercice

Hold nutrition seminars and workshops, invite health professionals, and organize sports events and challenges (CrossFit, jogging, yoga). The rate of participation is up 118%.[5]



Walking Meetings


Instead of sitting down around a conference table, hold business meeting while standing up; even discuss strategies while hiking or jogging.


Stand, Walk or Pedal While You Work

Seventy per cent of people who tried it adopted it.[6] Simply standing up instead of sitting down to work helps to burn 50% more calories. A study shows that pedaling or walking while performing a work task boosts your concentration and information retention.[7] So, why not equip conference rooms with stationary bikes and break areas? Just 50 minutes of pedaling a day, even at a slow pace, makes a noticeable difference in the overall health of employees.


Unconventional Standing Work Areas[8]



A picture is worth a thousand words…





Bonus Points System

Employees collect health/wellbeing points when they practice sports and physical activities, and earn rewards.


Mobile Application

A software app to monitor and track personal fitness level and activities. It is perfect for the computer savvy Gen Y.


Relaxation Room

Quiet rooms to meditate, to get a massage or to receive other relaxation treatments.


Active Personal Workplace or Accessory

Photos_5Photo_3Photo4Some ideas are certainly easier and less expensive to implement than others. Small foot-pedal machines or mini elliptical trainers that fit under the desk, mini boards and even Active Desk exercise bikes are very affordable (from $50 for an under-desk pedal trainer to $400 for a FitDesk) and can make a big difference in the performance of your employees.



Sylvie Grégoire, MBA, CRHA

President, Totem Performance organisationnelle

[1] https://canadasafetycouncil.org/fr/les-sports-et-la-vie-active/la-vie-active-au-travail

[2] https://www.economie.gouv.qc.ca/objectifs/ameliorer/ressources-humaines/page/guides-et-outils-20621/?tx_igaffichagepages_pi1%5Bmode%5D=single&tx_igaffichagepages_pi1%5BbackPid%5D=30&tx_igaffichagepages_pi1%5BcurrentCat%5D=

[3] https://canadasafetycouncil.org/fr/les-sports-et-la-vie-active/la-vie-active-au-travail

[4] http://www.lifespanfitness.com/canada/workplace/resources/articles/the-case-for-in-office-active-workstations?___store=canada

[5] http://affaires.lapresse.ca/cv/201309/03/01-4685536-midis-actifs-et-creatifs.php

[6] ActiveDesk, http://www.deskactive.com/

[7] Mathieu, Marie-Eve, Pédaler au boulot, La presse. http://plus.lapresse.ca/screens/32d0e94d-457f-4fbd-950e-b0b03658a728%7CFCxx.vvStD7E.html

[8] 3045217-slide-s-1a-everything-science-knows-right-now-about-active-desks.jpg


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