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Inspiration inc.

4 June 2018

What would be a typical profile of an entrepreneur? Where does it all begin? Inspiration Inc. is the story of 10 successful entrepreneurs. They tell us about their paths and motivations towards their success in 2017.

As we read the book, we come to realize that there are as many types of entrepreneurs as there are business ideas. While all of these leaders have certain points in common, their approaches and reasons are unique. So, what do we take from this book? Regardless of our background and personality, we all have the potential to be an entrepreneur. If you have a good idea, if you “like risk, if you are an independent thinker, if you want to learn, if you have a great work capacity and an extraordinary focus”[1], then go for it! Don’t be afraid to dive into it!

Each of the 10 entrepreneurs will inspire and surprise you in their own way!

One day, Étienne Crevier, founder and CEO of BiogeniQ, asked his doctoral advisor how come with all the dollars invested in the genetics research we do not have access to all the knowledge? The answer he heard that day changed his life. “One day, we will.”[2]  This was the trigger that started him on his journey as an entrepreneur.

Caroline Arnouk, founder of CPA Technology, explains that we must free up our ideas. The initial vision of a product or an idea must evolve to meet the market requirements. Being able to adapt and to stay flexible is essential in business!

Ethan Song created Frank+Oak. Recognized and admired by his peers, this businessman one day realized that staying true to your values and preserving your authenticity sometimes means that you cannot choose employees only based on their talents, but you must pick those who really share your vision.

Geneviève Nadeau founded Women In Mind as an answer to one of her own needs. Her mobile application is a social networking solution that links women in the neighborhood for mutual support and exchanges. While on her maternity leave, she came up with an idea to help women break out of isolation that some of them may live.

What makes Simon de Baene from GSOFT stand apart is the extraordinary workplace conditions that he offers to his employees: a skate ramp in the office space, unlimited vacations, two-week retreats to find innovative ideas, travel rewards, barber shop service directly at the office, etc. Mr. de Baene calls himself an atypical entrepreneur who designs an office environment where he would like to work himself. While some company leaders may consider these expenses somewhat crazy, in his eyes these are an investment into the performance, happiness and loyalty of his employees.

Connect&GO was created thanks to Dominic Gagnon who has positioned himself as a world leader in the field of event connectivity solutions. The Super Bowl, Jack Daniel’s, Budweiser, Just for Laughs and Osheaga are among his clients who selected his smart bracelet technology. All fans of smart technology will love reading about his business adventure!

Many of us got to know Amélie Morency when she introduced her company the FoodRoom on Dans l’œil du Dragon in the fall of 2016. She now operates a commercial coworking kitchen space. Despite some ups and downs, her tenacity and audacity have paid off. “We must knock on doors if we want them to open!”[3]

Stéphane Bédard and his company B-TEMIA brought sci-fi technology into the real world! B-TEMIA is the developer and manufacturer of Dermoskeleton technology to provide improved strength and autonomy to people with reduced mobility. This biorobotics company owes its success to its founder, Mr. Bédard, who made the most of the business advice and showed persistence in getting the support needed. He gives an interesting definition of an entrepreneur: “I believe that we, entrepreneurs, are social misfits a bit as well. Otherwise, if we were to fit in the mold of our society, we would probably not try to change it. Therefore, we must find our own place, our way to coexist with the society and to complement it.”[4]

Mnubo is a company focused on transforming the Internet of Things. You guessed it, Frédéric Bastien knew well how to put the wind in his sails! Throughout his years as an entrepreneur, Mr. Bastien learned that every company leader has two options: either hire people who are less intelligent than you to make your management task easier, or surround yourself with people who are more competent than you. According to him, by choosing the latter, we push our limits every day to keep up and stay motivated.

Many already know the name Martin-Luc Archambault, founder and CEO of AmpMe. He is one of the Dragons on Dans l’œil du Dragon. At only 35 years of age, he has already been the driving force behind the success of more than a dozen startups. According to him, there are no big or small entrepreneurs. “There are some very big entrepreneurs at the head of small businesses with three or four employees. They may not catch the attention of investors, but it is these small companies that fuel most of our economy and make our society prosper.”[5]

As we keep on reading this book, we realize that there is a debate going on whether we are born entrepreneurs or we become entrepreneurs. Yet everyone agrees that we must build a team of talented and driven people if we want to succeed. The book fulfils its goal to inspire its readers. Its style is simple and easy to understand. I think it is a must-read for teens and young adults too.

And here is an inspirational quote as a closing line: “An entrepreneur is not simply a business owner. An entrepreneur is someone who takes action and generates change.”[6]

Enjoy the book!

Mylène Grégoire

Communications and Web Marketing

Totem Performance organisationnelle


[1] Inspiration inc. Philippe Richard Bertrand et collaboration de Kim Rusk, p.142

[2] Inspiration inc. Philippe Richard Bertrand et collaboration de Kim Rusk, p.8

[3] Inspiration inc. Philippe Richard Bertrand et collaboration de Kim Rusk, p.92

[4] Inspiration inc. Philippe Richard Bertrand et collaboration de Kim Rusk, p.105

[5] Inspiration inc. Philippe Richard Bertrand et collaboration de Kim Rusk, p.129

[6] Inspiration inc. Philippe Richard Bertrand et collaboration de Kim Rusk, p.137 citation de Tim Ferriss, auteur de La semaine de 4 heures

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